Category Archives: Happiness

Why I created My Life Changes and How it has Guided my Life

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I believe that if you are not living according to your personal values then you are not living at all. My Life Changes gave me the opportunity to commit to my deepest core values. Some of my values are freedom, health, peace, happiness and gratitude. Health above all else, because how can you be truly   …Continue Reading

How my Dog Made me feel Vulnerable, Love and Very, Very Alive.

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Some of my last moments with Jake. “When I am very old and no longer enjoy good health, do not make heroic efforts to keep me going, I am not having any fun.  Please see that my trusting life is taken gently. I shall leave this Earth knowing with the last breath I draw that   …Continue Reading

Have you given some thought on how you Define Success and more importantly have you asked yourself the Million Dollar Question?

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First a few questions. Are you self aware? Are you ready to let go of what makes you feel empty and cynical? What fulfills and excites you? What do you do better than others? And finally – if you won the lottery what would you do? What would you do if you had all the   …Continue Reading

The Secret To Getting Laid Off And Improving Your Health, Inner Peace, Sleep, and Career.

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After 7 years, my SAP (enterprise software to manage business operations and customer relations) position was eliminated last year at a Pharmaceutical Company.  I knew it was coming but it still managed to irritate me.  I had been instrumental in setting up an almost 20 Million Dollar cost savings project. I had resurrected SAP value   …Continue Reading

The Amazing Secret To Staying Motivated To Exercise …Netflix!

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I wrote about my drastically improving my life 2013 but forgot to tell you how I stayed motivated! When I’m on the tread mill and Elliptical machine I watch Netflix on my iPhone.  I tried using my iPad but it was a bit too big and covered some important buttons like stop and pause. Netflix   …Continue Reading

What 1 Thing Did I Do To In 2013 To Drastically Improve My Life?

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EXERCISE A few years ago I was stuck in bed for days in extreme pain due to two herniated discs. This happened at least once a year.  I gave up golf. I gave up tennis. I took anti-inflammatoire medication when on vacation. In the last 10 years my back went out on me twice on   …Continue Reading

17 Awesome Reasons Why You Should Use My Life Changes To Change Your Life In 2014

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My Life Changes is the internet’s #1 tool to help you define and live by your deepest core personal values.   That means core values of health, wealth, freedom, compassion or whatever you define for yourself. My Life Changes helps you define the bigger picture of Who You Are. Are you a Father, Athlete and Entrepreneur?   …Continue Reading

Simple Everyday Activities That Can Make You Happier

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Have you found yourself just sitting around wondering what makes the lives of others so great that they seem to be happy more often than not? You’ve probably come to the conclusion that they’ve been dealt a better hand of cards than you, right?   You might be surprised to find out that many people   …Continue Reading

The Foolproof Plan for Achieving Healthy Weight Loss

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Whether you’re at the point where you need to recover from long-term unhealthy eating habits, or you just want to shed a few unwanted pounds, there’s always a healthy way to lose weight.   Especially with today’s technology, it’s very easy to get lost in the sea of information related to “quick weight loss” or   …Continue Reading

Rejuvenate Your Life With a Low-Stress Summer Vacation

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Summertime has finally arrived! If you haven’t already considered taking a vacation, there’s no better time than right now to think about it. After all, you’ve been working hard all winter and spring. You deserve some down-time to relax, reenergize, and keep your passions flowing.   Your daily life and relationships will become more meaningful   …Continue Reading

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