Avoid Stress And Get Back To Happiness

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Continuous stress brought on by work or personal issues can turn you into a judgemental, irritable and frustrated monster. These days we are attacked by the media, overwork, information overload and promises that material objects will bring us happiness. At times we wonder if we will ever surface from the storm of bad news pounding us every day. Here are some solutions to get you back on the right track to happiness.

Decide first thing in the morning that this will be a fantastic day.

Whether you make a deliberate decision to be happy as your eyes flutter open or use a meditation CD, your first morning thoughts will set the stage for the day. You must be the master of your life and take control of your day, for each day is special and will never be seen again. It is your thoughts, attitude and especially your ability to ignore early judgments and self criticism, that will kick off a wonderful day. It really is your choice. Either you can run around preparing your body or take some precious time and prepare your mind. This must become a daily habit.

Always remember that you have a core of happiness inside you at all times.

Remember when you were a kid and you lived in the moment and found joy in the smallest of things? Well that part of you never left. It’s just that over the years it got buried deep inside of you somehow. Societies programming, years of conditioning and your ego has taken over your happiness core. Laughing and smiling at the trivial occurrences in life that previously troubled you, and the world will suddenly look much brighter. Worries are for the most part a waste of time. Again, it really is a choice. You can choose to be happy. Try it.

Love comes before happiness.

Learning to love and accept your self is the key to learning to love others and life itself. It all begins with you. This is a fundamental building block to profound happiness. Deep inside you, you are a whole and beautiful person. From the day that you were born to the day you die this truth never leaves you. Let it shine.

Excessive stress is brought on by occurrences outside of yourself. How your mind filters these occurrences is under your control. You are the master of your life. You are the master of your mind. You can be happy. There is a core waiting to be let out each and every moment. It is your choice now. Let it out.

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