Tag Archives: awareness

Have you given some thought on how you Define Success and more importantly have you asked yourself the Million Dollar Question?

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First a few questions. Are you self aware? Are you ready to let go of what makes you feel empty and cynical? What fulfills and excites you? What do you do better than others? And finally – if you won the lottery what would you do? What would you do if you had all the   …Continue Reading

How Your Thoughts And Beliefs Create Your Life

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When I was 36 I believed that I deserved a promotion.  I marched into my bosses’ office and asked for that promotion with a long list of accomplishments in my hand. I believed deep down that I deserved that promotion. A week later he asked if I’d like to be a member of a hundred million   …Continue Reading

Want To Be Happy? Find And Live With Your Authentic Self.

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It’s your ego that’s contributing to much of your unhappiness. Your ego is that voice in your head that seeks attention, praise, applause and acceptance. Your ego will fiercely defend itself when attacked.  It can be very fragile at times. Your ego is not your authentic self. Your ego is like a child inside of   …Continue Reading

The Secret To Creating Your Own Website

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One of the best ways to boost your career, build a new business or show off your incredible talent is to create your own website.

How To Save The World – Part IV

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Many times I think people don’t give a shit about using “consciousness” to make this planet a better home.

Finding Peace And Harmony With Meditation

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By practicing meditation, you will find that it affects your whole day. Decisions are made with more clarity. Peacefulness resides in the background of you at all times. You realize that struggling with thoughts all the time was a waste of time. Life will throw you curve balls all the time. It isn’t easy sometimes. But the more you are able to quiet your thoughts and stop labeling and twisting them, the easier it becomes.

Back In The Saddle

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I’ll be back writing some blog posts this week. All the posts here are written by me. I’m really into living in the present moment these days. I’ve focused on awareness of “now” and trying to let go of thinking about the past or present. I find living in the moment probably the best thing I’ve discovered in a long time. I find myself almost in a state of quiet meditation more often which is a much more accepting and peaceful way to live.

A Simple Strategy To Start Meditating Right Now

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Living in the present moment is the beginning to ending the mindless clatter and worries that are constantly bombarding you. Meditation teaches you to ignore self destructive thoughts and become at peace with ones selves, warts and all.

How I Am Getting Happier While Becoming Wealthy

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Do you really want to take the first the first steps towards making big life changes? Do you think about a life of riches and joy but find that years pass by and nothing changes? Most people I know that are in debt, overweight, lonely or hate their jobs, don’t take any steps to make life changes.

How To Break A Bad Habit

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What I have found works best for me is taken from the saying – out of sight, out of mind. I also find it important to remember that a good habit (or ridding an old habit) usually takes about thirty days to take hold. So don’t fret so much about using sheer willpower, concentrate on   …Continue Reading

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