Tag Archives: happy

Avoid Stress And Get Back To Happiness

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Continuous stress brought on by work or personal issues can turn you into a judgemental, irritable and frustrated monster. These days we are attacked by the media, overwork, information overload and promises that material objects will bring us happiness. At times we wonder if we will ever surface from the storm of bad news pounding us every day. Here are some solutions to get you back on the right track to happiness.

How to Become Very Happy Right Now

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After having read a couple of hundred self help books over the last 15 years I’ve come to the conclusion that being happy is a choice. Either we chose to be happy or we don’t. It’s that simple! We are all seeking happiness and we all have the ability to be happy in our central core. Our pure unconditioned inside self is happiness. And that happiness can be let out right now!

Gain More Control In Life The Fast And Simple Way

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In a CNN article the average large company CEO earned $42,000 in one day. The average worker earned $41,861 in one year. Therefore the average worker made less in one year, than what the average CEO made in one day. A CEO makes 262 times more than the average worker. Sorry, this is something that   …Continue Reading

Goal Setting To Make You Happy

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After years of research on happiness, money, life and goals, here are some of my key findings. Researchers from the University of Illinois and Pennsylvania State declare that, in a 1985 survey, the Maasai of East Africa were almost equally satisfied with life as some of the 400 richest Americans on the Forbes list. The   …Continue Reading

Three Top Goals You Need To Set

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1. Improve Your Physical Health How in the world are you going to reach any goals with bad health? Remember when you had that cold, fever or aching back? Were you in any kind of mood to work on your life goals? I don’t think so. But when you start eating healthy and working out,   …Continue Reading

Reduce Stress And Live A Longer And Happier Life

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I’ve spent years researching books on stress in order to find the very best methods to combat this destroyer of happiness, contentment and sometimes life itself. Sure, some stress is good since it can motivate us to take action and even enable us to save our lives and others. But today’s society pounds us with   …Continue Reading

Lead A More Meaningful, Peaceful And Happy Life

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Even a relatively minor action, if undertaken with a conscious awareness of how imprints make us see an otherwise “neutral” or “empty” world as we do, will lead to tremendous results. Why do you make knee jerk decisions? Why do you make bad choices? Why don’t you take the time to reflect on your life   …Continue Reading

The Happiness Recipe – Attitude, Memories, and Authentic Communication

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I’ve done an enormous amount of research on happiness over the years and it is a subject I am continually fascinated by. Human beings are already such incredibly complex creatures. Add on the ever-evolving technological and materialistic age we live in, and happiness seems to become more and more elusive. So what can we do   …Continue Reading

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