Tag Archives: weight lose

The Science of Process Flowing and Data to Dramatically Improve your Health

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“Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have.” ― Winston S. Churchill Imagine if you mapped out your lifestyle? What would you find? A recent Public Health survey in England found that 80% of people aged 40-60 are overweight, hardly exercise, or drink too much. All this can lead to type 2 diabetes,   …Continue Reading

Your Ultimate Personal Value To Create An Awesome Life

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I created My Life Changes to help people live according to their personal values. Our personal values are our subconscious moral compass that gives us constant direction.  Values are what we stand for, how we want to behave on an ongoing basis.  I want to help you live according to your personal values. I believe   …Continue Reading

The Secret To Getting Laid Off And Improving Your Health, Inner Peace, Sleep, and Career.

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After 7 years, my SAP (enterprise software to manage business operations and customer relations) position was eliminated last year at a Pharmaceutical Company.  I knew it was coming but it still managed to irritate me.  I had been instrumental in setting up an almost 20 Million Dollar cost savings project. I had resurrected SAP value   …Continue Reading

Who Else Wants To Feel Great While Looking For Work?

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This is a picture of one of my work out rooms I’m finally using every day. When work begins to consume your life you tend to focus less on health, friends and inner spirituality.  In my case my health could have been better the last few years. I was staying up late, writing articles for   …Continue Reading

Top 4 Tips To Sustain A Very Healthy Heart

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Are you AGAIN not paying enough attention to your heart health? Many people tend to dangerously ignore that one little organ that keeps EVFERYTHING working in the body. It’s easy to take the heart for granted because it holds up well to all sorts of negative, outside elements.   It’s extremely important to ensure you’re   …Continue Reading

3 Simple Secrets That Instantly Boost Your Exercise Motivation

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Finding the motivation to exercise is sometimes challenging. It can be tempting to loll around on the couch instead of climbing onto the treadmill. Try these three easy secrets that will get you moving.   Surround Yourself With Green   Understand the power of green. A recent university study found that cyclists who watched a   …Continue Reading

The Very Best Advise When You Use My Life Changes

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I provide a tracker to track your “Who Am I” statement, core values and “choices or goals.” The most important thing you can do is to improve and focus on one area of your life at a time. Don’t try to quit smoking, lose weight and save for your retirement at the same time. Most of you will just become frustrated and give up.

I’m Laughing At Money Worries As I Follow My Plan

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Let me ask you again. What specific area of your life do you want to change? Is it related to your core personal values?
And finally … why aren’t you doing something about it?

How To Lose 100 Pounds In Six Months

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I love the television show Heavy. 22 obese people change their lives dramatically by losing massive amounts of weight with the help of a team of professionals. If there is one television show that shows how to make extraordinary life changes, this is it. Many of these people are close to 500 pounds and will die if they don’t change.

How to Maintain Healthy Eating Habits

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Are you struggling to keep your resolution to eat healthy, nutritious foods? Once you’ve set a goal to maintain healthy eating habits, how do you go about actually achieving that goal?

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