Tag Archives: best goal setting tips

FREE. The Best Kept Goal Setting Secret EVER!

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Ok, let me explain. You have written down your goals. Now you need to find a great way to keep on top of them. You absolutely need to FOLLOW UP!

Top 5 Goal Setting Tips

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This website provides tools, tips and articles to help you make life changes. But I know from looking at statistics that most of you come in for a few minutes and then leave. I’ve mentioned here that the $4.95 a month deluxe version of My Life Changes is cheaper than a MacDonald’s Happy Meal! And this site has a ton of life changing information! But some of you prefer to pound back more hamburgers or cry in your mountain of debt. It’s hard for me to kick your ass from here. So hire a coach. Why do you think Jillian Michaels of The Biggest Loser or Gordon Ramsey of Hell’s Kitchen are able to motivate people to lose huge amounts of weight or become world class chefs? Because they kick peoples ass and take them out of their comfort zone. They make people realize their toughest goals can be met. Often they make people cry. Are you going to run to MacDonald’s now or cry in your bills again? Or are you going to something about it? If not, go hire someone to kick you in the ass really hard. You will need it.

101 Mini-Motivators

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