Tag Archives: meaning of life

Why I created My Life Changes and How it has Guided my Life

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I believe that if you are not living according to your personal values then you are not living at all. My Life Changes gave me the opportunity to commit to my deepest core values. Some of my values are freedom, health, peace, happiness and gratitude. Health above all else, because how can you be truly   …Continue Reading

How my Dog Made me feel Vulnerable, Love and Very, Very Alive.

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Some of my last moments with Jake. “When I am very old and no longer enjoy good health, do not make heroic efforts to keep me going, I am not having any fun.  Please see that my trusting life is taken gently. I shall leave this Earth knowing with the last breath I draw that   …Continue Reading

Why Your Core Values Lead To A More Meaningful Life

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After you have used My Life Changes to answer the question “Who am I”, how do you live up to who you really are? Knowing your core values is the next crucial step to creating a life filled with meaning and purpose. Knowing and living by your values is all about retaining your personal power.   …Continue Reading

How Gratitude Can Be A Life Changer Overnight

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I’ve written about creating gratitude and appreciation lists. I’ve written about living on this wondrous planet spinning around in the vastness of the universe.   Has my writing sunk in? Do you really appreciate your life? In times of stress and darkness are you able to feel a deep sense of gratitude? I want you to   …Continue Reading

Now You Can Always Be Happy While Reaching Your Goals.

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You aren’t superman and a life change may not help you leap over tall buildings.

But a life change can help you take a few baby steps…. fall down …and then you find yourself walking.

Shouldn’t Life Be One Big Fat Mind-Blowing Journey?

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Go out there and do your best. Stay true to your path. Learn to love the trip and the end result will come in no time at all.

What Everyone Ought To Know About Happiness

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Over the last 20 years, I’ve read hundreds of books on happiness, optimism and living a great life. I live a pretty great life myself. Here is what I’ve learnt.

5 Ways To Reduce Stress And Find Joy And Be More Optimistic.

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Stress And Find Joy And Be More Optimistic

6 Factors Guaranteed To Promote Happiness

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I’ve read at least two dozen books and written 56 articles related to happiness. Here are the top 6 factors (in order) which seem to always repeat. Think about making some life changes around them!

Don’t Wait For Your Life To Change – Change it

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Ric Elias: 3 things I learned while my plane crashed Click to link

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