Tag Archives: meaning

6 Ways Gratitude Is the Ultimate Way to Feel Happiness, Joy and Contentment

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I have discovered that gratitude in itself is the grandest way to fill mornings, days and nights with joy and contentment.  Gratitude is an emotional experience, a belief and happy memories – and isn’t about your stuff. Feeling appreciation about the past, present and future and about the simple pleasures in life is much more   …Continue Reading

Why Your Core Values Lead To A More Meaningful Life

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After you have used My Life Changes to answer the question “Who am I”, how do you live up to who you really are? Knowing your core values is the next crucial step to creating a life filled with meaning and purpose. Knowing and living by your values is all about retaining your personal power.   …Continue Reading

How Gratitude Can Be A Life Changer Overnight

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I’ve written about creating gratitude and appreciation lists. I’ve written about living on this wondrous planet spinning around in the vastness of the universe.   Has my writing sunk in? Do you really appreciate your life? In times of stress and darkness are you able to feel a deep sense of gratitude? I want you to   …Continue Reading

How To Find Meaning And Purpose With One Simple Word

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I created My Life Changes because of my own path to find meaning and purpose in my life. The My Life Changes method asks you to define who you are, your core values and goals to support all this. It doesn’t just ask WHAT you want to do in life but WHY. Why is asking   …Continue Reading

Goal Setting And Value Identification Lead To More Meaning and Purpose

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Life seems to hurtle by us these days. To keep up with our frantic-paced life, our ever-changing technological society has given us radical tools to work, plan and supposedly become more efficient. Computers, cell phones, iPhones and pagers are just a few examples of gadgets that keep us connected, sometimes 24/7. Information whizzes by us   …Continue Reading

What Everyone Ought To Know About Happiness

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Over the last 20 years, I’ve read hundreds of books on happiness, optimism and living a great life. I live a pretty great life myself. Here is what I’ve learnt.

Don’t Wait For Your Life To Change – Change it

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Ric Elias: 3 things I learned while my plane crashed Click to link

Attitude, Happiness And The Meaning Of Life.

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We create our own reality in our minds.

The thoughts, dreams, aspirations, worries, excuses, justifications and chat in our mind determine our happiness. We can directly identify with these thoughts and allow them to constantly sweep us away or we can grow from them, take action when required but choose to primarily live in the beauty of the current moment. The key take away here is “take action.” The world is infinite in its possibilities and each challenge requires an action. Just worrying about something will not make your present moment pleasant. Deciding to take action and then moving back to the present moment with that action will. We are creatures of consciousness. We can decide how our thoughts and then actions govern us. It is an amazing gift.

How to Live Your Life with Intense Purpose

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If you don’t already know your purpose in life, take some time to reflect on what it may be. Then make sure everything you do lines up with this purpose.

The Importance Of Personal Value Based Goal Setting

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I came across an excellent article about setting goals according to your values.

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